You don't need to be rich to buy a sailboat ...
...but you'll feel like a millionaire when you do!
This is a sailor-owned and operated website. Learn the skills and tools to become a more competent and confident sailor.
How to retrieve your halyard from the top of the mast.
As I looked ahead I saw that something was wrong with my headsail. It was starting to bag. Badly. I realized the halyard on the CDI Furler must have loosened. No one to blame but me.
Do I Need A Boarding Ladder For My Sailboat?
Moonlight or daylight, you absolutely need a boarding ladder.
Let me tell you how important it is to have a good ladder on your sailboat.
Learn how to back up your sailboat trailer
If you don't like backing up a boat trailer or it makes you nervous, don't worry, you're not alone.